We don't accept cash, all payments to be made to the bank account of VIKRAM RANA PORTS AND LOGISTICS PRIVATE LIMITED, kindly check the bank details on the dashboard. Thank You !

Permissible Use Policy

Trust you have perused the BookMyPort Terms of Service. This Permissible Use Policy (PUP) is in reference to and in addition to the Terms of Service. The purpose of this PUP is to provide guidance and a request to maintain and uphold the rights of others while using BookMyPort.

BookMyPort expects you to
  • To observe, respect and follow applicable local, state, national or international law, any rules or regulations having the force of law.
  • Maintain your identity and association and avoid misusing or impersonating identity of any person or concern.
  • To avoid collection or solicitation of any personal details from any person.
  • To restrict usage of Service within Terms of Service and avoid accessing any resources or contents beyond the Terms of Service. (for e.g. by violation/breach of security protocols)
  • Always observe, maintain and take all possible steps to maintain integrity of the Service and inform in case of any incident of breaches coming to your knowledge or notice.
  • Ensure that no contents are either posted, transmitted or streamed which are
    1. Defamatory, libelous, slanderous, pornographic, obscene, demeaning, vulgar, violent, legally impermissible, objectionable, violating anyone's privacy, vengeful towards anyone's language, colour, race, ethics, character, appearance or violating any personal or property rights (tortious).
    2. A privacy or security threat to any person.

Any incident of violation (whether actual or potential) be escalated to support@bookmyport.com. In addition to the any recourses that may be available, BookMyPort at its sole and absolute discretion shall have the right to investigate and implement such corrective legal steps against anyone as may necessary including but not limited to removing, blocking the offending content and or terminating, blocking or suspending the user account of such offender(s).